
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 5:20 PM Quote
Yeah if it was Travis I wouldn't mind so much! lol ;-)

Got my bf to play Travis in his work van! Better than tupak and crappy radio all the time! Yeah me! :) lol
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 190
KevInSweden Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2007 5:41 PM Quote
Can't stand idiots who do this either. Even worse are those wankers who play music with their stupid little mobile phone.

Without exception the music always sucks donkey balls.

At least with the people with the overloud Ipods I get a weird kick out of knowing they are at least damaging their hearing :D
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:34 PM Quote
Ok another question regarding this!

Would you ask someone to turn their music down if it was really loud and offensive to you???

<want people's opinions on this>

Also, how would u react if someone acked u politely to turn it down?
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:36 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Ok another question regarding this!

Would you ask someone to turn their music down if it was really loud and offensive to you???

<want people's opinions on this>

Also, how would u react if someone acked u politely to turn it down?

of course i would ! I even tell them to turn the volume down when they're too loud on the phone
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 190
KevInSweden Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:36 PM Quote
>Would you ask someone to turn their music down if it was really loud and offensive to you???

Have done before, mixed results are going to be inevitable though :)

>Also, how would u react if someone acked u politely to turn it down?

I'd apologise and then turn it down or off.
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 71
andyp Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:50 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Have gone through an absolute ton of different kinds and these have lasted longer than any other ones

Ye i can third them being nice and comfy and blocking everyone elses shit out but mine have broken [again] after only a couple of months... need to go pester amazon now about the 2 year guarentee... oh and they have knocked the price up

Decent 'phones though
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 1018
Sunny Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 4:35 PM Quote

Arghh yeah, this annoys the hell outta me too.

On my local buses it tends to be the 13 - 19 yr olds that do this, and 9 times out of ten they play dance/RnB shit which sounds terrible anyway (IMO) but is even worse when it has a tinny sound. Why would they think anyone else wants to listen to it? If it were me I'd be ashamed I even liked the stuff in private, never mind on public transport. Recently the bus company has put a few signs up regarding noise levels - but does anyone read and obey them? Do they hell!

Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 8:49 PM Quote
Learn to drive, buy a car, then you can have your own music as loud as you like. I wouldn't try and read a book though.
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 8:51 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Learn to drive, buy a car, then you can have your own music as loud as you like. I wouldn't try and read a book though.

aha!! you are one of them! Driving disco guy:)
Re: Noise Pollution and IPODS
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 8:52 PM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:
Esteban wrote:
Learn to drive, buy a car, then you can have your own music as loud as you like. I wouldn't try and read a book though.

aha!! you are one of them! Driving disco guy:)

If I have my tunes on loud, I do it with the windows shut. I'm no boy racer.
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