
Re: Perfect Symmetry
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Tue 21 Oct, 2008 5:11 PM Quote
Aletways wrote:
kiwi wrote:
Is the album along the same lines as 'Spiralling' ?
As an old school fan I'm slightly worried about the whole 80's thing...

Apparently, there are some songs that have that vibe, but a friend who doesn't like Spiralling and was quite worried about how the album was going to sound like listened to it and told me that it is way much better than what she had expected. I was very relieved to hear that, because I don't like that 80s' bubble gum pop style of that song either.

Exactly. Some songs like Better Than This. I thought I wouldn't like the album, but it's good.
Re: Perfect Symmetry
Posts: 707
Frenchygirl Posted Tue 21 Oct, 2008 7:43 PM Quote
The album is GREAT ! the best i've ever heard, and live it sounds amazing !!

My favourite are You haven't told me anything, perfect symmetry, again and again and Black burning heart, but they ALL are great!
Re: Perfect Symmetry
Posts: 292
thehitcher Posted Wed 22 Oct, 2008 11:48 PM Quote
It's no-where near as good as 'Ode To J. Smith' I'm very disappointed with the new Keane album. It's got about 3 good songs on it :-(
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