
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 8:29 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Im sure it's been covered on the board many times, but the search tool wasn't very helpful, so can someone give me a quick picture posting lesson so i can post my cookie pics? thanks

When you are in the window where you write messages press the button that has a teeny icon of a pic. It'll give you this text


You can post any image that is on the intrawebs. So for a personal pic you need to put it on a site such as snapfish.

Then you right click the image and click "copy this image address" (or something similar to that)

Then you'll paste that in between the [img]PASTE HERE[/img]

Hope that helps.
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:21 PM Quote
attempt #1 on the way
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:41 PM Quote
Please work!*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QPnn%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QoQJ%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QoQa%7CRup6aQQ%7C/of=50,332,442
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:43 PM Quote
um, it hasn't worked, I can just see three red blocks! :/
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:46 PM Quote
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:48 PM Quote
They work if you right click and open the images in a new window.
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 9:58 PM Quote
Do they work now?

I quoted minnmess and I can see them on my post and on hers now rather than the red squares.

minnmess wrote:
Please work!*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QPnn%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QoQJ%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gX0QoQa%7CRup6aQQ%7C/of=50,332,442
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 29 Jun, 2008 10:24 PM Quote
hmm, they show up on my comp (the original and when quoted) but maybe thats bc they are my pics.

edit: k, hit refresh and now i have red squares too. hmmm, confused
trying it again. With Flickr this time:
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 346
th74 Posted Mon 30 Jun, 2008 1:47 AM Quote
Laura, I'm glad you like your cookies, I love Nutter Butters myself. And I'm very impressed at the little woolly choc chip cookie you made! He is funny and cute. You're so talented. My woolly toast is sitting on my bedroom bookcase. I also have the woolly app on my Facebook.

As far as the biscuits you sent me...I love Milk Choc Digestives, but the fact that these have caramel in them make them The Best Biscuit Ever. Yum!! I haven't had the caramel ones before. So good.
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Mon 30 Jun, 2008 2:26 AM Quote
I can see your pics now Kristy!
Thanks for posting them!! :o)
Those cookies look great. And hojaldradas look a bit like alfajores!
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 3965
bogusblue Posted Mon 30 Jun, 2008 6:37 AM Quote
Nice pics, Kristy!
The cookies I sent look soo cute heehee xD.
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 906
spid Posted Mon 30 Jun, 2008 10:25 AM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
I can see your pics now Kristy!
Thanks for posting them!! :o)
Those cookies look great. And hojaldradas look a bit like alfajores!

They look like wagon wheels to me!
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 02 Jul, 2008 4:23 AM Quote
I posted this on the "I'm boring" thread, but thought I should post it where it really belongs. ;) My lil column for the paper. Enjoy! You guys are famous now, lol! Well, at least you are in southeastern Michigan. :D

The International Cookie Exchange


It all started with a simple debate over Oreo cookies: to dunk, or not to dunk? The question was posed by a friend of mine on a message board that I frequent. The Americans generally agreed that an Oreo must be dunked, the Brits called it disgusting and basically said that milk littered with mushy crumbs is not their cup of tea. The Mexicans and Argentineans asked, “what’s an Oreo?”

From there, the debate spiraled into an idea, a confectionery experiment of sorts. We’d pair up with a person from a different country and send each other some of our country’s signature cookies.

In no time, the message board had more than 20 Cookie Exchange participants, all excited to send their favorite store-bought pastries overseas and, in return, receive some from a foreign friend.

My cookies would go to France and I would receive some from Argentina.

When I found out France was already blessed with the Oreo, I had to get a bit more creative. I mulled over a long list of possibilities, taste tested and took a family survey for nearly a week. Finally, I decided on Pepperidge Farm Milanos, those mouth-watering, oval-shaped vanilla wafers with a rich creamy chocolate center – another perfect cookie for dunking in milk. My other choice was an assortment of freshly-baked Nestle Toll House cookies that I picked up from one of the new cafés in Rochester. They are in route to France this very moment.

I’ve already received my cookies from Argentina. They came with a letter, describing each cookie and an explanation of their significance. The savory Bizcocho Salado biscuits are an Argentinean classic and Habanitos, lemon-flavored cookies coated with chocolate, are a childhood favorite, just to name a few.

They arrived just the other day and they’re almost all gone, thanks to a little help from my family.

Receiving mail the old fashioned way is a lost custom. E-mail and texting have almost completely taken over as the sole form of communication. While everyone’s cookies were no doubt delicious, it was the act of getting a package from a different country that turned out to be the real treat for all of us. In fact, we’re already planning another snail mail exchange, this time with candy bars – that is, if we can figure out how to ship them without melting.

Contact Nicole XXXXXXX at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or e-mail her at
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 02 Jul, 2008 4:28 AM Quote
Nikki that was great!! I love that we've inspired a column. Hope it gets a good response.
Re: FAO Boardie Biscuit/Cookie Exchange Partiicpants
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 02 Jul, 2008 4:38 AM Quote
:) Glad you like it, Anne!! I always get a ton of response on the columns that seem to give people ideas of stuff to do. I got e-mails and calls on my Flat Stanley column and one I did explaining the tradition of and how to make Polish Easter eggs, so I hope this one gets a good response too.
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