
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 06 Jul, 2008 1:41 AM Quote
im only an hour from TO so im there on a fairly regular basis (bday party last week, my roomate from Ottawa was there this weekend so went shopping, end of the month for Coldplay). Fun place. Oh the Old Spaghetti Factory. Im pretty sure everyone in the free world has been there but me.
We went to Gretzky's for lunch, and WALTER was there! Oh i love him. Ive met him like 5+ times, but he always makes me happy. He is so friendly, and genuinly wants to talk to you and take pics. When my friend saw him walk on the patio where we were sitting, i yelled "WALLY." haha, im a dork. It just came out. i'll post a pic later
Also, on the train I was reading this great book called How to Be Canadian, which is this really sarcastic, satirical look at Cdn culture and i came across this passage:
Pierre Burton once declared that a Canadian is someone 'who knows how to make love in a canoe.' But Pierre was just bragging. or lying. If average Canadians ever tried to 'pull a Burton' they'd end up looking like Mr Canoe Head. (For those of you unfamiliar with His Canoe-Headedness, Mr Canoe Head was a superhero whose head was permanently stuck inside a canoe. But it was okay, because he wore disguises to hide it. You know, fake beards and whatnot).
I think everything in life relates back to this board!
Also, the lead singer of Placebo hit on my friend in Urban Outfitters.
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Sun 06 Jul, 2008 4:07 AM Quote
minnmess wrote:
i'm well aware that i am just talking to myself now, but Im headed to Toronto for the day and if i didnt post this now, i would forget.
I dont know if you guys have been following the Brian Burke/Kevin Lowe story, but basically Burke has been bashing Lowe every chance he gets and blaming about 90% of the leagues problems on him. I dont dislike Burke but i definatly thinks he crosses the line a lot, especially when it comes to Mark Messier's bff! So, Lowe finally shot back:

He's a moron. He's an underachieving wannabe in terms of success in the NHL. He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I won six, if you want to count rings.

point: Kevin!

Oooooh, burn! I haven't been keeping up on that one, but thanks for letting me know about it! I'll have to read up on it.

Hope you're havin' fun in Toronto! Sounds like it ;)

PS: Kirk Maltby is going to be at a local Borders book store where my bro works signing autographs on Tuesday in celebration of the Red Wings' Championship DVD coming out!!!! I'm SO there!!!!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 06 Jul, 2008 1:13 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
minnmess wrote:
i'm well aware that i am just talking to myself now, but Im headed to Toronto for the day and if i didnt post this now, i would forget.
I dont know if you guys have been following the Brian Burke/Kevin Lowe story, but basically Burke has been bashing Lowe every chance he gets and blaming about 90% of the leagues problems on him. I dont dislike Burke but i definatly thinks he crosses the line a lot, especially when it comes to Mark Messier's bff! So, Lowe finally shot back:

He's a moron. He's an underachieving wannabe in terms of success in the NHL. He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I won six, if you want to count rings.

point: Kevin!

Oooooh, burn! I haven't been keeping up on that one, but thanks for letting me know about it! I'll have to read up on it.

Hope you're havin' fun in Toronto! Sounds like it ;)

PS: Kirk Maltby is going to be at a local Borders book store where my bro works signing autographs on Tuesday in celebration of the Red Wings' Championship DVD coming out!!!! I'm SO there!!!!

I LOVE those DVDs. Is it out already? Last years wasnt out till...Septemberish. I remember that you could preorder it on the NHL site as soon as the finals started, but at that point you didnt know who was going to win.
and YAY for Kirk Matlby stalking!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Sun 06 Jul, 2008 5:32 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Nikki wrote:
minnmess wrote:
i'm well aware that i am just talking to myself now, but Im headed to Toronto for the day and if i didnt post this now, i would forget.
I dont know if you guys have been following the Brian Burke/Kevin Lowe story, but basically Burke has been bashing Lowe every chance he gets and blaming about 90% of the leagues problems on him. I dont dislike Burke but i definatly thinks he crosses the line a lot, especially when it comes to Mark Messier's bff! So, Lowe finally shot back:

He's a moron. He's an underachieving wannabe in terms of success in the NHL. He won a Stanley Cup? Great. I won six, if you want to count rings.

point: Kevin!

Oooooh, burn! I haven't been keeping up on that one, but thanks for letting me know about it! I'll have to read up on it.

Hope you're havin' fun in Toronto! Sounds like it ;)

PS: Kirk Maltby is going to be at a local Borders book store where my bro works signing autographs on Tuesday in celebration of the Red Wings' Championship DVD coming out!!!! I'm SO there!!!!

I LOVE those DVDs. Is it out already? Last years wasnt out till...Septemberish. I remember that you could preorder it on the NHL site as soon as the finals started, but at that point you didnt know who was going to win.
and YAY for Kirk Matlby stalking!

I will post a picture if they let us take pictures with him. YeY...I'm excited! I <3 #18. Actually, I <3 them all...but, ya know. ;)

EDIT: In honor of me possibly meeting Kirk Maltby in a few days, I give you one of the best Stanley Cup locker room pics of all time....
Kris Draper kissing Kirk Maltby as he shaves off his playoff beard.
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 1:14 AM Quote
thats cute! but probably tasted gross!

and here is my pal Wally and I
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 2:28 AM Quote
Awwwwww, how cute!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 5:40 PM Quote
:O Big news!!!!

From The Detroit News:

The long-rumored outdoor game between the Red Wings and Chicago Blackhawks appears to be set.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman reportedly met last week with officials from the Blackhawks, Chicago Cubs, and city of Chicago to finalize details for the third Winter Classic, which will be held Jan. 1 at Wrigley Field.

The Pittsburgh Penguins and Buffalo Sabres played in front of an NHL-record 71,217 last season in Buffalo's Ralph Wilson Stadium.

An official announcement regarding the Wings-Blackhawks game is likely next week during a Blackhawks fan convention in Chicago.

Also: the Red Wings will officially premiere their Stanley Cup championship DVD tonight at Birmingham's Palladium 12 Theatre, and The Stanley Cup will be in attendance.

July 4, Windsor Star: The Detroit Red Wings will release its Stanley Cup champions DVD next week at the Palladium 12 Theatres during a VIP premiere screening.

Tuesday, fans will get the chance to get an autographed version as Red Wings defenceman Brian Rafalski and forward Kirk Maltby will make separate appearances signing copies of the DVD.

Rafalski will greet fans at Wal-Mart in Dearborn, Mich., located at 5851 Mercury Drive from noon to 2 p.m. Maltby will appear at the Novi Town Center located at 43075 Crescent Blvd. from 7 to 9 p.m. Cost of the DVD is US$24.98.

Sorta upset that it's not at Comerica Park since Mike Illich owns both the Wings and Tigers, you'd think it'd be easier. But still, OMG...I might just have to plan a trip to Chicago!!!!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 8:44 PM Quote
that will be exciting if you can go! My cousins have Sabres season tickets and were at that game last season and loved it! There was early talk of having next year's game in Montreal bc they have the all star game and it is there 100th anniversary as a team, but alas, that rumour went nowhere

Are you going to Wally's to see Rafalski too? Skipping work is allowed
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 9:05 PM Quote
I'd love to, but my boss already let me take the day off for the parade, lol. I think it might be pushing it to ask for more time off! But I'll be in Novi to see Malts after work for sure!!!! It's also much closer to my house. :) Kayte is closer to Dearborn though.

Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 9:11 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
I'd love to, but my boss already let me take the day off for the parade, lol. I think it might be pushing it to ask for more time off! But I'll be in Novi to see Malts after work for sure!!!! It's also much closer to my house. :) Kayte is closer to Dearborn though.

My mom lives in Dearborn. The Dearborn Wal-Mart is, ugh, it's a terrible place! Crowds and choas abound. A Rafalski is not enough to lure me there. I would go for Osgood, though. ;o)
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 07 Jul, 2008 10:30 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Nikki wrote:
I'd love to, but my boss already let me take the day off for the parade, lol. I think it might be pushing it to ask for more time off! But I'll be in Novi to see Malts after work for sure!!!! It's also much closer to my house. :) Kayte is closer to Dearborn though.

My mom lives in Dearborn. The Dearborn Wal-Mart is, ugh, it's a terrible place! Crowds and choas abound. A Rafalski is not enough to lure me there. I would go for Osgood, though. ;o)

Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 08 Jul, 2008 1:47 AM Quote
we are going to expect some stories tomorrow!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 09 Jul, 2008 2:34 PM Quote
Kayte, Kristy, Darran and other hockey fans...please check the "Summer Pictures" thread for photos of yours truly with Kirk Maltby of the Detroit Red Wings! Yippyyy!!!!

Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 09 Jul, 2008 3:25 PM Quote
saw the pics. Looks like a fun night!

And in other hockey news (well, Sens news): They signed Jason Smith :) and Ray Emery is playing in Russia next year :(
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 09 Jul, 2008 11:36 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
saw the pics. Looks like a fun night!

And in other hockey news (well, Sens news): They signed Jason Smith :) and Ray Emery is playing in Russia next year :(

Cool! Congrats for your Sens, Kristy. Jason Smith is a good hockey player.
I'm sorry, but I really don't like Ray Emery so peace out, dude! Have fun over there with Jagar! lol.
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