
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:09 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
minnmess wrote:
we say house funny too?
I'll watch the video when i get home. Should I make my own Kristy Canadian Pronounciation Video?

Yes! In fact, I think everyone should!

And Kristy, you must use these words at least once:
1. tomorrow
2. sorry
3. out and about
4. house
5. process
6. been
and you must recite the alphabet. I think that should cover it.

Yes, house is different, too. It's the whole "ou" thing again. And it is a subtle difference. I know when I write it as "oat," that's really an exaggeration of the Canadian pronunciation. But I can't think of a way to point out the difference without exaggerating it a little. Think of saying "hose" but instead of the z sounding s, keep it a normal s. And it's a short word because you don't draw out the owww like we do. That's the best I can explain it!

Anne says process like me. I asked.
Im not sure I say house that way, but I will make said video and you can tell me if I do.
Would you like the alphabet in english and french, or will english do? lol
been...sometimes that one is like bean, and sometimes that one is like bin. it depends

Do you say roof funny? Like ruff?

This video wont be until atleast tomorrow, so let me know if there are any other words you would like me to say.

You should start a thread so everyone can list all the *crazy* words they want me to say, lol. And maybe I will have some milk from a bag.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:18 PM Quote
I've never heard anyone say "ruff" for roof. If they say it differently, it's usually like the oo in book.

Isn't it weird how the same person will pronounce a word differently? I know for myself, when I say "address," I don't always accent the same syllable. Like I would say, "What is your ADDress?" But I would say, "AdDRESS me as Mrs. Swickert, if you please."

Oh, and I found this, per chat room discussion:
1. a low cabinet or similar piece of furniture, often highly ornamental, containing drawers or shelves.
2. a stand or cupboard containing a chamber pot or washbasin.
3. toilet (def. 1).

One must be careful which commode you pee in.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:22 PM Quote
Tim Allen says roof funny. He is my basis for this.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:25 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Tim Allen says roof funny. He is my basis for this.

That's what the guy in the video says about Tim Allen. He's from around here. But I say roof, rhyming with proof.

Now, a tricky one is hoof. I will admit that I change my pronunciation of this for no good reason at all. Sometimes I'll say hoof like proof, and sometimes I'll say hoof with the oo sound of book or look.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:33 PM Quote
I'm excited to hear Kristy's pronunciation video. It would be really hilarious if you drank milk from a bag while doing it, lol.

I say the Os in "roof" like the Os in "food"...but my dad says roof like "ruff"...sorta like the sound a dog makes, lol.

Michiganders tend to have long, drawn out vowels. Like paaaassword. My friend once told me I say it funny, lol.

Kristy, can you also say "hot" when you make this video?
I say the O in "hot" like the first A in "Avocado".
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:40 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
mili wrote:
Winnipeg rings a bell, I think some Finns have played hockey there. Wasn't that Teemu Selänne's first stop? Or was it Jari Kurri? I'm a bit confused with the Finnish NHL players' teams. These guys are just neighbours, really. I've been past Teemu's childhood home numerous times (my parents live near) and Ville Peltonen has a house not far from where I live (my hubby had a long chat with him when his twins and our boy were small).
I remember Saku Koivu getting stick for not speaking French properly quite recently. C'mon, give the guy a break, he's just recovered from cancer!

Yup, Teemu played for the Winnipeg Jets. They are no longer in existance. Kurri played for the Edmonton Oilers in the 80s hayday with Gretzky, Messier, etc. I like Jari. His gloves always looked like robot hands.
Oh the French thing and Koivu was just a stupid politician trying to get publicity. He is loved in Montreal. Have you ever seen the video of his first game back after being sick? It is something like a 8 minute standing ovation.
I think they said that the only person to ever get a standing ovation long that than in the Canadiens history was Rocket Richard during the ceremony for the last game at the Montreal Forum.

Oh and Ive posted this before, but watch this one. You will never look at Saku the same way again.

Good old Saku, I've always thought he's cool (even if he's from Turku, the local love/hate city).
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:42 PM Quote
Agreed. Saku is the best.

I will add "hot" to the list, Nikki.
I dont know if i can drink milk straight from the bag though, lol. It will, however, make an apperence.

I notice that if i'm talking really fast, I say "fur" instead of "for."
As in: "I was looking fur my pants and I just cant find them and Im going to be late."
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 6:58 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:

As in: "I was looking fur my pants and I just cant find them and Im going to be late."

So do I!

Another one, and I know this isn't proper at all, but sometimes I'll add "at" to the end of a question like "Where's my coat at?"

Oh, and in Michigan, we add "s" to the end of store names...

I even say Best Buys, lol!
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:03 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:

Another one, and I know this isn't proper at all, but sometimes I'll add "at" to the end of a question like "Where's my coat at?"

My mother would slap you upside the head for saying that.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:04 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:

Oh, and in Michigan, we add "s" to the end of store names...

I even say Best Buys, lol!

you just want more of them?
My dad says WallMARK. but then again, he is crazy.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:09 PM Quote
I read the reason Michigan people do this a while had to do with the main store being a person's last name or something like that. So, we added an s like, I'm going to Meijer's, as in I'm going to the store owned by Mr. Meijer. Then it got generalized and people started saying KMart's even though there is no Mr. K. Mart.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:24 PM Quote
Also say what I always get asked to say..

How Now Brown Cow

and also say Whilst.

Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:26 PM Quote
I think there is some kind of a vowel shift going on in Michigan. One thing I've noticed is how people say my son's name, Max. I've heard a lot of people call him "Mayax." It sounds weird.
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:26 PM Quote
Darran wrote:
Also say what I always get asked to say..

How Now Brown Cow

and also say Whilst.

why in the world would people ask you to say that?
Re: Have you ever lost a shoe whilst walking to work?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Fri 14 Nov, 2008 7:29 PM Quote
Because of the Northern Irish accent.
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