Also, I almost got killed today. My amazing flatmate left this cleaning acid in the kettle and failed to tell me so I made myself a coffee and THANK GOD I noticed it's weirdly fizzy. What a freaking moron.
I discovered the Board through working nights, Thank fuck I don't any more, it was fucking painful for about 2 years, 15.5hour nightshifts during the week (The receptionist finished at 5:30pm and I was there till she came back the next morning at 9am) and two 12hrs at the weekend. Mon,Wed,Fri - 15's. Sat, Sun - 12's then the next week Tue,Thu -15's. Sat, Sun - 12's (days).
I'm still light headed but less dizzy and have no balance, I actually went to the shops today, first time I've been out really since Wednesday. Have an appointment with my GP in the morning should be interesting getting there, but maybe I'll get some answers.
Thanks again for all the well wishes, much appreciated.
I discovered the Board through working nights, Thank fuck I don't any more, it was fucking painful for about 2 years, 15.5hour nightshifts during the week (The receptionist finished at 5:30pm and I was there till she came back the next morning at 9am) and two 12hrs at the weekend. Mon,Wed,Fri - 15's. Sat, Sun - 12's then the next week Tue,Thu -15's. Sat, Sun - 12's (days).
I'm still light headed but less dizzy and have no balance, I actually went to the shops today, first time I've been out really since Wednesday. Have an appointment with my GP in the morning should be interesting getting there, but maybe I'll get some answers.
Thanks again for all the well wishes, much appreciated.
Sounds awful Dubz, I cannot stand being dizzy so wouldnt want to go through Vertigo :/ I dont know if its a myth but my mum, a retired nurse made us drink 7-Up when we were sick. She worked with a ear-nose-throat specialist who thought it was good for balance/inner ear. I know you're on medication and hope the best for you. Guess youre out of work at the moment?
Sounds awful Dubz, I cannot stand being dizzy so wouldnt want to go through Vertigo :/ I dont know if its a myth but my mum, a retired nurse made us drink 7-Up when we were sick. She worked with a ear-nose-throat specialist who thought it was good for balance/inner ear. I know you're on medication and hope the best for you. Guess youre out of work at the moment?
It was horrible, wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm covered by a DR's note till Monday, work are being brilliant about it, called them today about coming back in tomorrow for an hour or two (going stir crazy in the house) but my boss and the HR Manager told me not a chance, I've to stay home and get fit, they'll see me when they see me and my job will still be there so not to be worrying. then the HR Manager also mentioned that even if I was fit I'm signed out till Monday by a doctor and therefore unable to come into work for insurance reasons.
I'm gonna attempt to go to the shops again in a while so I'll give the ol' 7up a try, Thanks Edel !!
[quote="Scottish Dubliner"] I dont know if its a myth but my mum, a retired nurse made us drink 7-Up when we were sick. She worked with a ear-nose-throat specialist who thought it was good for balance/inner ear.
I don't know about for balance, but we were always given glat ginger ale for an upset stomach.
[quote="Scottish Dubliner"] I dont know if its a myth but my mum, a retired nurse made us drink 7-Up when we were sick. She worked with a ear-nose-throat specialist who thought it was good for balance/inner ear.
I don't know about for balance, but we were always given glat ginger ale for an upset stomach.
I've heard that the root/spice/herb or whatever it is that is Ginger is good for the stomach, I think I also heard that Ginger Snap Biscuits (cookies) are good for sea sickness. Hmmm now there's a thought... motion sickness, Grocery list is getting bigger, Ginger Snaps and 7-Up.
I don't know if you guys have the show Mythbusters over there, but it's a show that uses scientific (and sometimes just explosive) methods to test urban legends, old myths, etc. Anyway, there is a guy one there who has severe motion sickness. This guy vomits at the drop of a hat. They tested the ginger remedy for motion sickness on him and it worked! So, definitely try it, just make sure whatever you buy has REAL ginger in it, and not some imitation ginger flavor. I'll look and see if I can find that clip.
*Ok, haven't found the clip, but found what they did. What worked was a ginger PILL. I imagine something like this would be found at a health food store. It would be more concentrated than ginger ale or ginger snaps.
I don't know if you guys have the show Mythbusters over there, but it's a show that uses scientific (and sometimes just explosive) methods to test urban legends, old myths, etc. Anyway, there is a guy one there who has severe motion sickness. This guy vomits at the drop of a hat. They tested the ginger remedy for motion sickness on him and it worked! So, definitely try it, just make sure whatever you buy has REAL ginger in it, and not some imitation ginger flavor. I'll look and see if I can find that clip.
*Ok, haven't found the clip, but found what they did. What worked was a ginger PILL. I imagine something like this would be found at a health food store. It would be more concentrated than ginger ale or ginger snaps.
Thanks Kayte, I may try the chemist, see if they have anything in the way of Ginger Pills.
btw, Yeah we get Mythbusters here, Adam & Jamie right ? They guys must have some budget for that show all they do is blow sh!t up.
I don't know if you guys have the show Mythbusters over there, but it's a show that uses scientific (and sometimes just explosive) methods to test urban legends, old myths, etc. Anyway, there is a guy one there who has severe motion sickness. This guy vomits at the drop of a hat. They tested the ginger remedy for motion sickness on him and it worked! So, definitely try it, just make sure whatever you buy has REAL ginger in it, and not some imitation ginger flavor. I'll look and see if I can find that clip.
*Ok, haven't found the clip, but found what they did. What worked was a ginger PILL. I imagine something like this would be found at a health food store. It would be more concentrated than ginger ale or ginger snaps.
Thanks Kayte, I may try the chemist, see if they have anything in the way of Ginger Pills.
btw, Yeah we get Mythbusters here, Adam & Jamie right ? They guys must have some budget for that show all they do is blow sh!t up.
Found it! The episode is broken up into 5 parts on YouTube, but here's the part where they show the ginger pill result. It's a couple minutes into it. They took the pill an hour before the seasick machine, so it PREVENTS seasickness. I don't know if it will help with the dizziness that has already set in. If you try this, you will be a groundbreaking scientst!!!
Glad you are sort of doing better Dubz. Ginger didn't do much for me but maybe it'll help you.
I had to do physical therapy to help with my balance, even after the surgery.
If things don't continue to improve or stall out I again highly encourage you to find an ENT who deals with inner ear issues. It's a misery that should not be endured by anyone.
Glad you are sort of doing better Dubz. Ginger didn't do much for me but maybe it'll help you.
I had to do physical therapy to help with my balance, even after the surgery.
If things don't continue to improve or stall out I again highly encourage you to find an ENT who deals with inner ear issues. It's a misery that should not be endured by anyone.
Thanks Anne, I've an appointment with my GP tomorrow for that very reason, I'm going to get some answers from him and hopefully have him refer me to the ENT clinic in Dublin.
Yeah the nausea thing has totally gone and the dizziness is fading but still no balance, it's weird and I'm walking like I'm drunk. Getting funny looks in the street, Got some Ginger Nuts and 7-Up from the shop earlier but maybe pushed it a wee bit to far with the out and about thing as I had to havea wee lie down when I got back.
All you guys have been brilliant with suggestions, sympathy & empathy, really helped me get through the past few days.
I think charcoal is supposed to be good for motion sickness too. I remember someone trying to give me some in Italy when I was sick. I almost threw up in the Vatican. Good times.
Just been to the gp, not much help but at least he's honest. He admits most doctors don't know what causes it, it's generally thought to be an infection. Another week off work more tablets and if no change by end of next week it's off to the specialists.