
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 23 Nov, 2011 11:56 PM Quote
Things take forever to get to Korea. I have hope. Please please tell me a phone number was put on the package!
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Thu 24 Nov, 2011 2:26 PM Quote
it's been almost 3 months (!!!) now... I really really really hope FT are in a waterproof envelope and there was a phone number and return address on the package...
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 118
lidia_bj Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 5:55 PM Quote
ufffff!!! Lee mencioned me in a comment in her facebook. She said that the flat Travis are safe!!!!!!!! :D She apologized and said that she had been busy with the university and the flat Travis had arrived at her home while she was living in the dormitory (which was not quite convenient). Fiuuuuuu now I can be completely calm, I was quite worried about this issue.

Wow! I also have to apologize because I haven't posted any pictures of them while they were here in Bolivia. I will do it during the weekend!

Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 6:31 PM Quote
Phew! People, get a move on.
Europeans, when you get them you best be following the rules! one week and move them along. This is ridiculous!
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 7:00 PM Quote
I'm so glad they are safe! What a relief!
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 8:14 PM Quote
Great news! Let's hope they get to Europe safe.
Christmas may cause some small problem with the schedule, but somehow I don't think I'll see them until new year.

Perfect timing, all being well the Flats will be with me in the coldest, ugliest, darkest season ;^D
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 8:33 PM Quote
mili wrote:
Perfect timing, all being well the Flats will be with me in the coldest, ugliest, darkest season ;^D

But they will warm your heart and soul :)
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 9:54 PM Quote
mili wrote:
Great news! Let's hope they get to Europe safe.
Christmas may cause some small problem with the schedule, but somehow I don't think I'll see them until new year.

Perfect timing, all being well the Flats will be with me in the coldest, ugliest, darkest season ;^D

I think that's perfect! It's a learning experience for the rest of us to see. That's what I like about the videos...getting to see things in other countries from the perspective of a native.
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Wed 30 Nov, 2011 10:11 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
mili wrote:
Great news! Let's hope they get to Europe safe.
Christmas may cause some small problem with the schedule, but somehow I don't think I'll see them until new year.

Perfect timing, all being well the Flats will be with me in the coldest, ugliest, darkest season ;^D

I think that's perfect! It's a learning experience for the rest of us to see. That's what I like about the videos...getting to see things in other countries from the perspective of a native.

I worry about the pictures, as we have about 6 hours of daylight at the moment, and no snow. It's DARK! Some forecast said we might have to wait until february for the cold weather to arrive (+ snow).
Makes a change from the masses of snow of couple of last winters. Apparently there's still about 1 m thick layer of ice even after a warm summer in one place where they gathered snow – there was a mountain of 40 m of the white stuff…
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Thu 01 Dec, 2011 2:24 AM Quote
Happy to hear FT are safe!
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Thu 01 Dec, 2011 9:15 AM Quote
ok, so, it's great they're fine... BUT please please tell me you asked Lee to send them to the next person on the list (mili?) immediately? You did that, right?
She's had them for way longer than a week, so I hope she knows the rules... we have to get this going, so mili gets them BEFORE Christmas AND sends them on BEFORE Christmas, too.
It's receive them - keep them for ONE WEEK - send them on. Period.

Kind regards
a very impatient Evil Elf.
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Mon 05 Dec, 2011 3:43 AM Quote
I decided to visit here to apologise to everyone.. I´m really SORRY for all the delay I made, I feel asahemd. :(

As Lidia wrote for me, at the moment I'm living in the dormitory of the university(which is certainly located in another city) and Flat Travis arrived at home. I know I should've given Lidia the address of the dormitory but I was afraid FT would get lost, which seemed to be likely to happen.

I apologise again.. I didn't have chance to visit home so I couldn't even give FT a nice tour. Anyway today I'll call my mum and talk about it so I'll make sure it'll arrive there before Christmas by EMS. I'm sorry again.. I wish it had arrived here when I decided to participate in this, when I was homeschooled. :( I didn't mean it to be this way.. I'm sorry!!
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Mon 05 Dec, 2011 4:07 AM Quote
I've just told my mum about it by phone and she told me she would post it today. It'll arrive there very soon, Mili.

I'm sorry again.. I can't help feeling ashamed.
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Mon 05 Dec, 2011 10:27 AM Quote
*sigh* now I feel bad for going all Evil Elf on you :(

It's just that we (I mean the remaining European boardies) have been waiting for a loooong time to get them now and they're getting older and older and fewer people visit the board these days, so I keep thinking - who knows if this project will ever finish? Kayte has been waiting for her boys for over 3 years now, I don't think any band has ever been on tour this long ;)
Re: The Official FLAT TRAVIS Project Thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 05 Dec, 2011 3:02 PM Quote
aww, don't be sad. Just sorry it didn't work out.

Lil, your comment about them being the longest band on tour made me giggle over my cereal.
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