
Re: Battling with depression
sorry angel
Posts: 712
sorry angel Posted Wed 03 Dec, 2008 11:52 AM Quote
Tonie wrote:
It seems to me, and I've followed this thread from the start, that things are getting a little out of hand now, and maybe the thread should be allowed to fade.

That is not to undermine the problems faced by depression sufferers. Far from it. I did say from the start that it worried me that more harm than good could potentially come from discussing such a sensitive subject through this medium, and I stand by it.

I do hope that those who are experiencing, or have experienced, depression have taken something positive from the thread, whether it's from knowing you're not the only ones, or from the positive feedback of the people who have offered supportive comments.

However, it looks like it's getting a bit nasty. Maybe all the good has been wrung from the boardies on this topic, and it may be of more real benefit to continue related conversations via pms. I'd hate to think of anybody who is feeling vulnerable getting hurt here.

Just a suggestion.....

I understand what you mean and that you're hoping for the best out of this thread. So am I and I'm convinced it's helped a lot of people learning about what it's like to suffer and that there're solutions. I also know that it has helped me and Absy and some of the nice other that I can't name all. Some people are vulnerable you're right, and judgments or lessons posted in here are the only thing that could hurt those people. Was it necessary to tell someone who has felt or is feeling depressed, perhaps suicidal, that what she or he wrote is a pile of crap? A joke? Seeking attention? All hiding behind the cosy comfort of a monitor...well that's too easy.
Alternatively humour and distance do help. When you're depressed your days are not stable and neither is your mood, and a bit of humour works pretty well when you're on the down.
Re: Battling with depression
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Wed 03 Dec, 2008 12:25 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

if one depressed person has smiled at the postings then their work is done

I laughed ...

Re: Battling with depression
sorry angel
Posts: 712
sorry angel Posted Wed 03 Dec, 2008 12:29 PM Quote
Kristy wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

if one depressed person has smiled at the postings then their work is done

I laughed ...

Pleased you did...see how I have improved...remember my pedantic times!
Re: Battling with depression
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Sat 06 Dec, 2008 6:17 PM Quote
sorry angel wrote:
Somewhere Else wrote:
sorry angel wrote:

Really LOL?
Maybe you should edit the subect title of your thread...;-)

Seriously, very good fun yesterday and today, the best med to me unless it's my medication working too well...but the only conclusion to all that is that depresion is serious but can actually end?


Actually I object to being drawn in to a fairly serious topic thread like this and then it being turned in to 'fun' . Between the two of you , you have managed to make a mockery out of depression, in the two threads .


I actually meant : FUCK YOU

I have asked TWT to remove the txt FY that Sorry Angel has inserted in to my quote ; please note I did not use that quote.
Re: Battling with depression
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sat 06 Dec, 2008 7:51 PM Quote

seriously don't understand how a thread or theme of this matter can go in such directions...
Re: Battling with depression
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Sun 07 Dec, 2008 11:20 AM Quote
Somewhere Else wrote:
sorry angel wrote:
Somewhere Else wrote:
sorry angel wrote:

Really LOL?
Maybe you should edit the subect title of your thread...;-)

Seriously, very good fun yesterday and today, the best med to me unless it's my medication working too well...but the only conclusion to all that is that depresion is serious but can actually end?


Actually I object to being drawn in to a fairly serious topic thread like this and then it being turned in to 'fun' . Between the two of you , you have managed to make a mockery out of depression, in the two threads .


I actually meant : FUCK YOU

I have asked TWT to remove the txt FY that Sorry Angel has inserted in to my quote ; please note I did not use that quote.

You cannot be serious.

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