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Re: Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Wed 31 Oct 9:13 AM
Re: Born To Rock! (or 'Message for Fran pt II') FranFlower Travis Tue 30 Oct 11:52 PM
Re: Anyone can share Dougie's songs played live? FranFlower Travis Tue 30 Oct 9:44 PM
Re: I met the band!!! FranFlower General Chat Tue 30 Oct 12:48 PM
Re: To Fran!!!! FranFlower Travis Tue 30 Oct 7:04 AM
Re: Songs to brighten your mood FranFlower General Chat Tue 30 Oct 12:17 AM
Re: Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Tue 30 Oct 12:04 AM
Re: New album soon? FranFlower Travis Mon 29 Oct 11:17 PM
Re: Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 11:08 PM
Re: New album soon? FranFlower Travis Mon 29 Oct 10:27 PM
Re: Anagrams FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 9:56 PM
Re: I met the band!!! FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 9:50 PM
Re: Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 9:28 PM
Re: Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 9:14 PM
Re: Hit Me Baby from last night FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 8:29 PM
Met the band last night!! + new album on it's way :-) FranFlower General Chat Mon 29 Oct 8:06 PM
Re: Downfall (Der Untergang) FranFlower General Chat Sat 27 Oct 10:18 PM
Re: Xfm Podcast: Making of The Man Who FranFlower Travis Sat 27 Oct 10:07 PM
Re: Xfm Podcast: Making of The Man Who FranFlower Travis Sat 27 Oct 8:23 PM
Re: For those who bought the travis rain on me umbrella FranFlower General Chat Sat 27 Oct 2:48 PM
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